Another LP Crushes the CD

just got a $5 copy of Art Blakey and JMs Keystone Three on Concord. I've had this CD for years and while I always liked the music its really poor sounding The record on the other hand is smokin' good. I think this one goes in heavy rotation for a few days.
Hmm. I think I'm missing something here.

In any event - Its a great sounding record! Including the Wynton penned 'Water Falls' which is growing on me.
01-24-09: Hdm
Perhaps the print in my post and Mred's needs to be bigger.
Maybe you need to fly to Concord Records and straighten them out?

Mred didn't agree with you. He said:
According to All Music Guide the Keystone disc is with the Marsalis bros. but the "Oh-By the Way" is with Harrison/Blanchard.
Grimace's original post is about the Keystone disc.
Johnny: I'm quite aware that Grimace's original post is about the Keystone disc. I never said anything about the personnel on the Keystone disc!!!!

My first post here very specifically referred to "Oh-By the Way". It appears that there is a reading comprehension problem out there.

Get it??????
Hdm-I understood that you were talking about a different record, so I guess my comprehension meets your standards, but you might have avoided a prolonged back-and-forth by reiterating in your second post that there were two different albums at play. Instead, you chose to give a flippant "Actually, it doesn't" just to force on us how above-it-all you are. That's on top of semi-jacking the OP with a post only peripherally concerning the OP's.

All to say that, in this case, I'm siding with the 'comprehension challenged'.