Anthem AVM20 or Parasound Halo C2?

I'm upgrading my HT from my current Onkyo DS989 to components, and I'm interested in the Anthem AVM20 and Halo C2. Can anyone help me with a comparison of build quality, reliability, sound, upgradability, etc.? I see lots of opinions on the AVM20, but none on the Halo C2. Are these competing on the same level, or is the Halo a higher quality unit?

Thanks in advance for your help!
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Showing 2 responses by elevick

I love my Anthem AVM-2. Sonically it is awesome. It is not that hard to operate, especially in comparison to the Onkyo. What amp are you using? The Anthem is very neutral sounding, not dry (proceed), not warm (rotel/aragon), not bright like many out there.
Did you consider a used MVA-5. 100 watts x 5. You should be able to find one used. I'm sure the AVM-20 will be firmware upgradeable for a while too.