Anthem STR "Convert Analog" sounds much worse

I've spent all afternoon playing around with different settings with subs etc.  On this preamp, there's a setting to "Convert Analog".. This allows you to use the ARC and subwoofer outputs - hence you get to use the internal crossover, phase etc for the subs.. Really nice feature.  I'm not even using ARC yet...

But, I noticed a significant improvement in quality and dynamics with it OFF, allowing my Lumin T2 to flow straight through the Anthem.  It's louder by probably 3db too (not measured).  

I have not heard of any audiophiles more picky than me mentioning this. 

I've asked this question before about connecting the Lumin T2 this way... Am I negating any T2 dac magic by sending it through the Anthem's dac engine?  I was told NO.  But it sure sounds like it now!

Again, I'm not using ARC yet, maybe that's where I'll hear a significant improvement but as for now, I like running my subs from the preouts (giving me no xover so speakers play full bandwidth).  

Anyone in dallas want to come teach me more about  this?
In an act of humility and embarrassment, I have a confession.  I had the input levels for XLR -5db which is activated when "Audio Convert" is turned on....  

Now, when I switch between the two, there's no audible difference that I can tell at this point.. Mayyybbeee on some parts of some tracks there might be a difference but rarely is a change/tweak noticable or even "better" over the whole spectrum.

Apologies for being an idiot.  Sometimes settings get buried deep down in the menu and you don't know what you've changed...
Thanks for telling us! We’ve all made mistakes, but not everyone admits them. So you have my respect for that.

I haven’t used the A-to-D conversion of the STR, but I was surprised it seemed a problem.

That -5 dB is probably a safety factor to keep from overloading the ADC, which could sound really bad.

P.S. Maybe your dealer would swap the T2 for a U1 mini + partial refund?

Thanks mike_in_nc   I bought it used.  I'm not convinced the T2 dac sounds that much better if any than my Anthems to be honest.  It'll take a lot more convincing that's for sure.  On the tracks I've tried, I cannot tell a difference at all.  Most all differences are my biases from what I've read about how great the T2 dac is.  

I've tried long term listening and short term a/b comparison.  I find myself convincing myself one is better... Then going back on that - thinking maybe it's just the track, resolution, mood, or maybe a plane flew over (landing path of DFW) ha.  

Ultimately, I think 97% of "this dac sounds soooo much better" reviews has to do with personal and situational bias.  

I'll say this much, I challenge anyone to say the T2 dac sounds consistently better an Anthem's STR, on any setup..  I just ask you to be aware of those silent personal/situation bias's going on in the back of your head.  

I want to hear a difference to justify the cost of the Lumin trust me!  I love being able to put value on money spent.... But right now, I'm unable to do that.
Also, this is a problem anytime settings are buried deep inside electronic menus. You can’t quickly scan the knobs to see if everything’s just right. When I read reviews of things now, I think of their monetary bias, and what combination of 1,546,541 possible settings they might have used.

Reviews should always be taken with a grain of salt, like political ads.

Wish list: big manufacturers you should take note:
 - an on screen display that clearly and quickly shows the current settings of all the important "stuff"

Amazing how archaic so many on-screen (tv) menus/displays are.
You have to set it up correctly before you make any judgments! Go through the entire setup routine then come back and tell us what you hear. I have never used the STR but I have been using room control and digital bass management for 20 years. If I switch to bypass it is yuk. My wife accidentally hit the bypass bottom. It took me 10 minutes to figure out what went wrong.