Any Discwasher D4 users out there?

Now that I've emptied my last 16oz refill bottle: Has anyone found a good substitute for the original? I can't bring myself to use the chinese stuff.

I have an original D4 kit with the brushes and Zerostat gun in a walnut holder. Also have a spare bottle of the D4 fluid, still in the blister pack. This is all the original

made in Columbia, Mo. The blister pack still shows the price of $2.50.

I don't play records much.


Hi -

New member here. I, too, am using my Discwasher D4 system from the 1980s. I recently got back into playing my lps after them sitting dormant for almost 40 years.

I was looking to see if anyone is using the RCA D4+ fluid with the Discwasher brush. I realize that it’s probably not the same formula as years ago, but I’m just looking for something to remove dust before playing, as my records have been kept as mint as possible.

Thanks - wingman55

Yes it was not good at all. BUT I played more Lp's in that time frame than I had for a long time. Great memories came back.
Also, the fluid I have is indeed stamped made in China. Never noticed. Now I guess I'll have to play apothecary and brew my own.
JD- I've seen most of those recipes, over the past couple months. I'll bet you had a few anxious moments, dealing with 400 moldy albums.
I have a bottle I never used .You can have it .Give me a call and I will mail it to you.860-583-5705.
Gotcha on the Chinese. I didn't realize the fluid was imported. Now I'll have to look when I get home. I believe there were some posts about home brew versions using de-ionized water and alcohol a while back. I havn't searched the archives but but perhaps the posts still exist.
On something similar: I few years back we had a pipe break and all my albums got wet. I didn't notice for a couple weeks. In the mean time all the jackets and sleeves got moldy and glued themselves to the records. I uesed blue window cleaner to clean them. Took me about 40 hours to do 400 albums. It worked perfectly. Took the paper binder agents off as well as the paper. It was not amonnia based cleaner but alcohol I believe. Generic Windex. The records are fine but I know some would have a hemmorage over the whole use of window cleaner.
It worked and the albums are cleaner than a Safeway chicken.
No issues at all.
Hi JD- The new fluid is readily available(eBay, etc). I just can't bring myself to trust the chinese fluid, on my vinyl.
I guess some just don't read posts in here. DO YOU use your VPI RCM before EVERY PLAY? I'm not going to either! I've got three original NOS Discwasher brushes. To my knowledge; no one else has improved on their system of slightly wetting the record and removing dust/lint, prior to each play. IF you know of a BETTER system; I'm listening.
I bought a new one a few years back. Came with a new Discwasher & fluid. The brush material on the new one was brown, same color as the dust so I tossed it and still use the one I've had for years which is the original with black brush felt type material. The fluid works fine. I'am thinking I bought it from Needle Doctor or some site similar. They did mention on their site that the brush is not the same as the old version. I stick with it since I can't bring myself to go through a ten minute ritual for cleaning an album prior to playing. Works for me.
Good luck, JD
I've got a VPI RCM, THANK YOU! I still like to clean my records, before I play them(IF that's alright with YOU).
Life moves on with better and more practical ways to clean records. So, give it up and join 21st century technology.