Any experience Good/Bad with Marigo Audio mat/dots

Greetings all, I just got a Marigo Audio 3-D Signiture CD stabilizer mat and a set of 8 VTS Tuning Dots (6mm black).
I plan on using the dots on my CEC transport and MF DAC.

Looking for comment/concerns/etc from anyone who has any information/experience with these tweaks? Thanks
The Marigo Audio 3-D Signature CD stabilizer mat permits the hearing of more beautiful detail in the recording. The subtle cues that enhance a sense of reality become more obvious. You find out there is unveiling of a lot more information in familiar recordings which is a lot of fun.
There is much more texture to voice(s) and instruments(s) so that you hear subtleties of how music is created by the performers.
However, I do not use exclusively with my most revealing setup as there is not enough suppression of digital glare in less ideal recordings. Apparently, this particular setup is resistant to getting all necessary help from the Marigo mat.
In this particular system, in order to minimize the bright or edgy recordings I use Grungebuster mat (now up to version 2.2).
While listening with Herbie's CD mat is not quite as rich in micro details it is an astonishing low price bargain and wonderful overall performer, with the side benefit of being the best mat in my limited experience to reduce digital brightness or glare in my version of a revealing system. It sounds plenty great with most recordings so that many might not ever miss using their Marigo Audio mat.
In my other systems, the Marigo mat does seem to do everything right - reducing the problems of digital glare and brightness, along with its above mentioned superior qualities. Like much in audio, try to listen in your own system(s) where it really matters.
I have successfully used the bigger Marigo Dots designed to minimize the effects of too much window glass in a listening room. Easy to distinguish before and after.
After is superior.
I use the 3D Sig mat and various dots---white, green, and black as well as the bands. My experience with the dots has been positive. At first, seeing the mini sizes of the dots, I was very skeptical. However, after experimenting on caps, ic's, transitors, and various places on my TT and tonearm, I discovered they perform as advertised in dissipating unwanted vibrations. I think the most surprising place where the dots (white dots on IC's) made a positive difference was in the motor speed control unit of my TT. I did not think that vibrations in that unit would effect the sound of the TT because of the damping effect of the drive belt, but upon installing the dots on the ICs and caps, a cleaner sound resulted.

I would begin by following the suggestions offered by Marigo on which dots on which components, listen to the effect, and then experiment with placement on the component and compare.

I also would recommend using caution in the number of dots used. Too many will deaden the music. Again, experimentation is called for.

I think Marigo recommends adding dots until the music deadens and then remove one or two.

Good luck.
No, but I think it would be a good idea.

BTW, the coffee table is soon to be retired to another room. But as you already know, we now have a stuffed sectional in our listening room for you to fret over. It's good to know that you care so deeply about my environment. ;-)