Any experience on McIntosh Amp with B&W Speakers

Any sharing on your experience in using McIntosh integrated amp with B&W N803? Specifically, I am interested in MA6500 and MA6900 ...
I have listened to the MA-6900 with the N803, N802, and N801 all with great results, top to bottom. I think the McIntosh is one of the top three amplifiers for the Nautilus line, from Krell, then Plinius, and then McIntosh!


I am currently using a 352 Mcintosh Amp with the 803 and I never regret the purchase. I heard that the 6900 is similar to the MC202 + C42. If you have extra few hundred dollars, go with the MC352+C42. They are all discontinued and you can find great deal on Audiogon or Ebay.

Happy Listening :)
