I have heard several of the decware speakers recently, and I used to own an old pair of horns that Steve doesn't make anymore. I'm a big fan of all things decware, although I realize that their house sound may not be everyone's cup of tea.
Having said that, and if it were me, I wouldn't mate any decware speaker to your Primare i30 amp. Will it work and sound good? Almost certainly yes. But decware speakers are optimized for tubes and IMO a SS amp makes them sound a little dry and lifeless.
Your amp is similar in sound to other integrated from the EU and UK: Naim and Atoll come to mind. So instead, I would consider pairing your amp with a good monitor speaker. I would try something in the French style: Triangle, JB Reynaud Bliss, the newer Duet or even a classic Offrande (if your room can support it). You could also try a Harbeth or maybe even a Tannoy Prestige model.
If you want to stay in the single driver realm, I would recommend looking at Omaga or Coherent from Canada. But aagain, IMO these speakers work best with tubes.