If my tone-arm SME V is sufficiently low set-up for VTA, some slightly warped records touch the arm close to the thick end of the arm tube when the needle is in the last 1/3 - 1/4 of the LP. This lifts the arm out of the groove with every turn and again = "locked groove".
Solution: use a higher (taller cart to go up with the arm for same VTA, use cart with more positive VTA requirement, clamp the record a bit harder to flatten it some more, if it can be done, don't play warped record, use tone arm with thinner arm tube, etc.)
Solution: use a higher (taller cart to go up with the arm for same VTA, use cart with more positive VTA requirement, clamp the record a bit harder to flatten it some more, if it can be done, don't play warped record, use tone arm with thinner arm tube, etc.)