Any good reasons to use transistor phono stage and line level preamp instead of tube ?

Besides lower noise and no need to hunt for particular NOS tubes. 
Transistor based phono stages are better for the aforementioned reasons and because they don’t produce even ordered harmonics, which while pleasing to many ears are a fault of tubes. 

Transistors do not sound like tubes.  You can get tubes to be very quiet.  You can get tubes to produce sound similar to solid state in impact, dynamics, clarity, imaging, and more precise, etc.

"Anything a tube can do, a transistor can do the same thing - and never wear out!"

Not true, transistors cannot reproduce dimension of soundstage like a tube can.  You cannot get a 3D image from transistors.

Happy Listening.

If only what you say about tubes versus transistors were true.  My life would be simplier.  But it isn't true.
inna, as has already been opined, there is a fundamental difference in the sound of tube devices vs solid state. It is true that as one gets closer to the SOTA in either technology that difference becomes more and more subtle; the two will tend to sound more and more alike. However, to my ears that fundamental difference in sound still remains to a lesser degree. Whether one sonic signature is “better” than the other to your ears is a personal call. To my ears good tube (pre)amplification tends to preserve more of the qualities that I care about most in the sound of live music: closer to correct timbre, dimensionality and tonal density of images; and, most important to me, micro dynamics that are more realistic which is what gives music a sense of aliveness. However, as has also been pointed out, tubes can be a pain. Totally worth the effort to me.