Any good reasons to use transistor phono stage and line level preamp instead of tube ?

Besides lower noise and no need to hunt for particular NOS tubes. 
 No tubes usually means less maintenance and no cost of replacing tubes when needed.
SolidState has more accurate imaging and more precise.
a well designed Solid state preamp,or phono stage 
if using very good parts quality thecapacitors resistors and a transformer based unit can sound very Tube  like and have lower distortion , but at a cost $$.  I sold both, Vacuumtube is less complex to build  and tubes has a more forgiving nature. Matching your speakers, cables, electronics has a Big say in final decision.
Transistor based phono stages are better for the aforementioned reasons and because they don’t produce even ordered harmonics, which while pleasing to many ears are a fault of tubes. 

Transistors do not sound like tubes.  You can get tubes to be very quiet.  You can get tubes to produce sound similar to solid state in impact, dynamics, clarity, imaging, and more precise, etc.

"Anything a tube can do, a transistor can do the same thing - and never wear out!"

Not true, transistors cannot reproduce dimension of soundstage like a tube can.  You cannot get a 3D image from transistors.

Happy Listening.