Any JBL 1400 Synthesis Array owners

I have a pair and am interested in what amps you have tried and the results. I am currently using a 70 wpc tube amp to great effect. I will also try the Quicksilver 90wpc Silver Mono and MFA M 200 in 100 wpc triode mode. The Bryston 14BSST is great but too heavy for me so I reluctantly sold it. Perhaps trying a 3 BSST in the future for a SS alternative.
Using an Aesthetix Calypso preamp.
Oh, yes.
I also used an Audio Research Ref 110.
It's been awhile now but I seem to remember liking the combination well enough.
I would like to hear the JBls with the new Ref 150.
I just finished listening to Bartok For Children, Jeno Jando, Piano (NAXOS).
Really, the X350.8 and the JBLs are not missing much!
I am using Marantz reference gear: MA9S2 monoblocks with matching pre and cdp. I love the combo.
Dave 72, I bet the JBL speakers sounded better than the magico speakers hands down!
I just tried the Quicksilver Silver mono, similar to the new Silver 88, and the match is very synergestic. Great bottom end control and extension. Eventually I will try all 4 of them. Just very well matched. PT
Dave 72, I bet the JBL speakers sounded better than the magico speakers hands down!

Probably, but the magazines don't want you to know that, or they just don't know. lol.