any one hear the new b w 683 yet?

was wondering if an one has test drove or bought the new b w 683...the replacement fo the 604 s3...
have always liked the 604s...thoughts...comments

Showing 1 response by frano

I heard the 683 briefly and was definetly impressed, especially in the in the $1400 price range. Much smoother and much better imaging than the 604, as far as I can recall. The mids were the usual B&W stand out feature. The overall sound was very pleasing with a very good soundstage.
As usual different equipment and rooms etc make a big difference. ( Rotel and being stuffed between other speaker, was my listening experience.) I don't own either speaker but I have heard the 604 many times in it's S2 and S3 series format.
( I do own B&W 801s2, CM1 and a 600 center speaker)