Any previous Wadia users?? Or did everyone move?


I am playing with a Wadia 860x but am thinking of upgrading. An automatic option would be to buy the Wadia 581 with the GNSC mod. However I don't see many people using this player on the forum. I actually don't see many people using Wadia at all. Is there any reason for that? Did everyone switch or has Wadia never been popular? I see many people using the EMM-labs player (either one box or Transport/DAC) with great succes. Apparently an excellent player.

Does anyone can give their view why or why not they use Wadia and have eg EMM-Labs as alternative?

This might help me in making my decision.


Showing 1 response by bar81

I listened around and nothing made me even think about going another way. The Wadia 861se w/GNSC Statement Modification is everything I need in a CDP.

The reason that you don't hear more about Wadia is that they've been pretty inactive regarding new models for quite some time and the 581 has had more than its share of teething issues although as I understand it it appears that the kinks have finally been worked out.