Any problem with Cary SLI-80 INTEGRATED AMPLIFIER

I read somewhere here but can not find it anymore.  Someone stated that he had problem with the tube with his SLI-80.  Anyone having same problem.  I was thinking if I am going to buy one, should I buy brand new or used.  If I buy new one and time to resale it then I will lose maybe half of the money but if I buy used then I not going lose much money.  If this one would last for long time with out any problem then maybe worth it to buy used.  Comment please.  
I wouldn't have any more concerns about the Cary SLI-80 than with any other amp. I owned one for a few years and regret selling it. It's extremely well built and I think it's a bargain in the world of tube amps. 

I'm not sure what you mean by a problem with the tube. Which tube? I cycled through at least a dozen configurations of different power and preamp tubes with no issues. 

If you do have any issues, the company is good about assistance with them.
I agree with sfar, tube devices will eventually have problems with the tubes, it's part of the "experience" of tubes.   
The SLI-80 has been produced since 1989 and has stood the test of time.  If the amp is ever need of repair, the point to point wiring makes it easy to work on by most qualified techs.  The only achilles heal that I know of is that over time a coupling cap may fail and take out a tube.  If you buy an older SLI-80 a recap upgrade would be a good idea.