I held onto a RCD-1570 just in case. I'm not a fan of the slot loader
but it works. Other than that, garbagio for the past 8 years.
@donjr Don, I haven't heard the RCD-1570 but did own its predecessor, the highly regarded RCD-1072. Let's just say that it was the worst CD player I've ever owned. I bought it on a whim thinking it would have mated perfectly with my Rotel pre/pro combo at the time. Despite having good build quality and being quite attractive to look at, it never developed any mojo with its accompanying Rotel equipment. The cd player was very dry and uninvolving, with no dynamics or gusto whatsoever. A less expensive Sony (non-ES) player I was using previously had a much nicer and warmer sound than the Rotel. The 1072 just too overly-analytic.
Was your newer 1570 CD player similar to what I experienced?