Any U2 Fans Here?

I just picked up U2's "No Line On The Horizon" CD album after I got hooked to one particular track "Magnificent". Instead of turning up the volume and enjoying the music I find myself lowering down the volume and switched to some smooth jazz after less than 5 minutes of play. I didn't finish the rest of the songs on the CD. The quality of the recording is terrible. It is unfortunate good music is marred by poor quality recordings. Has anyone experienced this with the "No Line On The Horizon" album? Is there another version of high-quality recording that I may not be aware of?

Thanks in advance for any advice.
>>10-26-09: Chashmal
Yes, I do absolutely commend him for his charity, but that is hardly the point. He presents himself as a politically important figure<<

Agreed but no more than Barbra Streisand, Alec Baldwin, Bon Jovi, Jeanine Garafolo, etc. etc.

Shut up and sing (or act or whatever you do)
"He presents himself as a politically important figure"

He must have a fantastic PR organization behind him because a lot of people, especially certain media outlets, seem to buy it.
Audiofeil: Barbra Streisand, Alec Baldwin, Bon Jovi, Jeanine Garafolo and many more are all in the same pathetic boat. However Bono bothers me more simply because for some reason I see his mug more than the others.
This is an unfortunate byproduct of our deteriorating culture; celebrity entitlement. These folks feel it is their 'duty' to 'save' the world from whatever they don't like. Gee, thanks guys.
"These folks feel it is their 'duty' to 'save' the world from whatever they don't like. Gee, thanks guys."

The difference between celebrities and politicians for that matter) and most people in this regard is that the celebrities have the stage, coverage and money to get noticed and have influence.

That is the way the world works, for better or for worse. Best to just deal with it as best as possible and move on.

Politicians can be voted out, at least in theory. Celebrities? I guess you can stop buying what they are selling and relieve them of their fame and have the same effect, but if you like their act, that ain't likely to happen either.
Well Mapman, I hope one day that that I can vote Jeanine Garafolo out of celebrityhood!