Any Vandersteen 7 Owners in SFO Bay Area ?


There is no dealer in San Francisco Bay Area who carries Vandersteen 7.  I want to listen to them before i consider and upgrade and wondering if there is anyone in my area who can help me.  I own 5A Carbons and thinking of upgrading. 
I am more than willing to take your old model 7s off you hands at a steep discount!! LOL.  I need to upgrade from my old 5s!  Happy Listening.  I build my own DAC and preamp an use a SA-100 old Counterpoint hybrid amp (highly modified by me) and it drives the 5s very well.  Have not tried the Counterpoint SA-220 probably should get around to that though.
Bigkidz, go listen to the Quatro's.  They are actually much better than the original 5's.  Won't move quite as much air, but much more refined speaker overall. You won't be disappointed.  Or if you are the original owner, just upgrade to the 5CT's....;)
Finally Ordered Bentley  Neptune Color 7 MK II  today .  Hope they sound good in my room. 
Wow, how cool.  Veer, please email me at may need to look at that color for my Quatro's. I"m starting to lean towards doing a metallic auto paint.  So excited for you man!!!!

How lucky you are that you can afford the 7s. I heard them a couple of years ago at Audio Connection in NJ and they were jaw dropping.

It will be love at first hearing.