Any Vandersteen 7 Owners in SFO Bay Area ?


There is no dealer in San Francisco Bay Area who carries Vandersteen 7.  I want to listen to them before i consider and upgrade and wondering if there is anyone in my area who can help me.  I own 5A Carbons and thinking of upgrading. 
I"m about to finally order my Quatro's (as soon as my Treo buyer comes up with the rest of the money and takes them to his home). I vacillate between wood or paint and I'm really starting to consider paint even though it's a substantial upgrade. I will keep them forever and there are some really beautiful colors out there.  Audi Havana Black (copper flex in the black) is another beautiful color.  I will also use a ceramic nano coating on the final rubdown in order to get a deeper polish and strengthen the coating from a 4 or 5H to a 9H.  Much harder as painted surfaces can mar a bit easier than the veneer ones.  

Bentley Neptune ! cool
please send me a picture when you get them !

ps check out new 2L recording of the Norweigan Hymnal... fantastic on the 7.. totally seemless driver integration from low low organ notes to mass choral voices.....
Grammy nominated

How lucky you are that you can afford the 7s. I heard them a couple of years ago at Audio Connection in NJ and they were jaw dropping.

It will be love at first hearing.

Wow, how cool.  Veer, please email me at may need to look at that color for my Quatro's. I"m starting to lean towards doing a metallic auto paint.  So excited for you man!!!!
Finally Ordered Bentley  Neptune Color 7 MK II  today .  Hope they sound good in my room. 
Bigkidz, go listen to the Quatro's.  They are actually much better than the original 5's.  Won't move quite as much air, but much more refined speaker overall. You won't be disappointed.  Or if you are the original owner, just upgrade to the 5CT's....;)
I am more than willing to take your old model 7s off you hands at a steep discount!! LOL.  I need to upgrade from my old 5s!  Happy Listening.  I build my own DAC and preamp an use a SA-100 old Counterpoint hybrid amp (highly modified by me) and it drives the 5s very well.  Have not tried the Counterpoint SA-220 probably should get around to that though.
V, I"m soo happy for you. Yes the mk 2 are so good and I'm glad you appreciated them.  I know some who have run them on the AX5 Twenty for a spell and they worked great.  Remember that from 100hz down, they are run off their special amp.  You AR is one of three amps that they are most often demo'd with.  It's an awesome amp to use.  If you can ever get Richard's amp, THAT is the amp to use.  Nothing I've heard has come close to that.  I love it with the Ayre KX-R for speed, clarity and timbre.  You can't go wrong as you are using well engineered gear and they pair so nicely together.  Remember that Richard LOVES AR gear and often does rooms with them at shows.  

As for color, go for it.  I love the Audi Havanna Black also as it has metal flecks of copper in it, but you can't really see it unless you are close.  I'm about to get a pair of Quatro's and was thinking about asking if I can get mine painted too.....on the ropes there, lol.  
the ref250se are amazing with 7
I borrowed a Ref75se when my Ayre was getting the Twenty upgrade and the sound was sublime....

to clarify my comments new build 7 not available.

sounds like Randy at Optimal is going to have the most similar system for you to listen to. 

i got your PM and i have emailed you some photos..the finish is outstanding quality....better paint than our GL 550 for sure ! ha

Post removed 
I have Audio research ref 250SE and I believe it is more than enough to run these speakers. I have ARC 5SE as pre amp. 
My wife and I go to Stereo  Unlimited in San Diego to listen to the sevens with the Vandy amps. Wow! Best in his store and that covers a lot of very high end equipment. His display pair is in what I believe is Ferrari red. Gorgeous. I know his staff can deliver and set up anywhere. They do work in NYC so I imagine they can get up to n calif. 

As for color -yes automotive colors.thousands of choices. I went with Audi phantom black pearl....I can send you photos if you like. just pm me your email. You can go mild to wild.
George who works for Randy at Optimal took some incredible photos of the 7' which I believe the use on the Vandersteen website and for reviews. 

my thoughts..
The 7 is no longer available only the improved MK2
I had a shot at last pair of 7 and passed as I wanted Richards best even if the differences are relatively small. Richard is a fanatical and frugal Engineer and mk2 means something. Not only is the acoustic lense chaged with better tweeter/ mid alignment but the subwoofer driver has been tweaked. I was able to hear 7's in 4 distinct environments around the country - including a generous offer to hear Richards personal setup - this before mk2 existed. I have heard them with as few as 200 wpc. without knowing your room tastes, etc..I would not feel comfotable saying what the minimum amp would be - certainly whatever you are using for the 5a Carbons would be up to 7's...I ran my 5a with a Mac240 for a while :-)
my tastes do not run to loud - as I write this I have Alison Krauss on at 17 on the ref5 se volume Ayre amp is about 70 db ( using Audiotools rta)
the new vs used track has a couple of factors
new qualifies for future upgrade path. You get to pick your paint color also.
hopefully this helps

I listened to the speakers over the weekend and liked them.  I might buy them in near future. 
Also the size and height of the sound stage will be larger with the 2's.  Everything is just better. Incremental, but in this price range that's important and when you look at 10k in the big scheme of putting a large system like this together, yes it's a big difference you will hear.  JMHO

So did you get to Randy's? If so, how did it go?
Yes there is a difference in the mids and highs.  Just a bit more refined, spacious and airy.  Even less distortion.  I hear the difference, but like anything in this range, it's incremental and not WOW.  Just want to make sure you know that you have to be the original owner in order to get the upgrades.  Some folks don't realize that until after they have purchased a used piece on here and then want to upgrade, only to realize they can't.  Are you working with a dealer?  If so, no problem.
Is there a major difference between MK I and MK II ? I found MK I speakers and wondering if it is worth upgrading to MK II . 
Tom, I never got a PM.  I don't even see a place to look for it.  email me at   thanks.  Also, anyone who wants a pretty set of Treo's that I got from Johnny, let me know as I'm moving on up to the Quatro's.  lol
Thanks Johnny.  Many of us feel the same way about the 7 mk2's.  They are just so special IMHO and  outperform the Wilson XLF's and the top Radiho's (spelling) that I've heard.  It's just special speaker and Johnny is as good a dealer as you will find in the country.  Give him a call if you don't have a local Vandy dealer. There are MANY on this as well as other boards who drive many miles to work with him as he's an honest guy who also knows his stuff.  
Greetings Siddh
  Not to major on the minors
The 7 or 7 MK 2 features a 400 WPC extraordinary non current limiting amp for its bass section with tun-able in room compensation.

This allows us a far smother in room bass response and foundation.
 Their unique High pass relives the burden of the main amps heavy lifting  dramatically lowering distortion improving clarity and transparency of the whole system.
IMHO the 7s drivers and complete loudspeaker concept simply stated
outperforms anything I have heard currently available. 
 We can take any decent amp from 100 WPC plus and experience their magic
  The first thing folks that can hear say is they notice its the first pair of speakers that don't sound like speakers.
 Audio Connection
Vandersteen dealer
PS in breaking in my first pair of 7s temporarily hooked up to a 12
 hundred buck NAD w/ Aesthetix Tube pre I was riveted into the chair
given a tonal history lesson and couldn't leave for hours.
Sorry to high jack this thread, but for those with extensive experience, is the 7 mk 2 a huge leap ahead of the original 7?
Also, might the CAT JL-2 tube amp, which is rated a bit above 100 watt, capable of driving the 7's?  Most systems I have seen them driven by high powered solid state.
Thanks, Steve

Tom, yes you have what I consider the best speakers I've ever heard as I"ve heard them so many times in so many room and with so many different amps, but they always shine.  I hope OP get's a chance to get down to Socal this weekend. Please call first and let us all know how it goes.

Tom, I'm heading up to Seattle on Xmas week as a get away with my wife.  Can't wait. I used to live in Bremerton with the Navy in the early 80's.  Love Seattle area.
i would suggest you call Richard. I have 7 mk 2 in Seattle. he helped me a great deal in auditioning, etc.
Having said that both Randy and Bruce get a lot out of the 7's - they have great rooms, skills and ancillary equipment.
have fun the 7 -and frankly the speaker you have are amazing.
i am blessed to have them

They used to have one in Walnut Creek.  They probably will in the future though as they are starting to grow again.  Randy at Optimal in Santa Monica has the 7's on the floor I believe.  I know that Bruce in San Diego has the 7's as well as it's matching amp on display right now.  That amp is sick with it, lol.  That's my dream.  
Thank you.  I will try to drive to LA This weekend to listen to them.  I am surprised that we don't have any dealer in Northern California who carries them.   I like my 5A Carbons but never listened to 7s . 
I'll ask around as many of we Vandy owners are in touch on other forums.  Seattle is nice this time of the year  as is LA, lol.  You have great speakers, but I do hope you get to hear the 7 mk 2's.  They are one of the most special speakers I've heard and I get out a lot and hear many of the 100k speakers.  The Vandy manufacturer plant is not far from you.  email me:
I do not live close. I live in Indiana. I have heard the model 7's with Simaudio and CAT gear. They are fantastic! If I had the money they would be in my room instead of my Quattros. The 5's are great but I believe you will never look back at your Model 7 purchase.
