Anybody heard Krell SACD mkIII?

Hello Fellow Audiogoners.
Just trying to get some info on MKIII SACD Standard player and how it compares to previous models.Thanks.
Overhang, yes they do charge!!! My MK II is under warranty and Krell wants $3,100 for the upgrade from MKII to MKIII. Or it can be exchanged for a brand new MKIII unit for $3,600.
I Bought my Mark II a year ago and went thru 2 transport replacements.Last time Krell returned the unit,the transport won't even open.I ggot RA number and mailed it back.The responded that this time around they will put in an EVO transport and convert it to mkIII status.There was no mention of additional charge at all.Are they gonna keep my unit hostage after the swap is done or nail me with the bill later?I spent 4 gand and never got any enjoyment out of the unit because of a constant transport problems.I am not going to cough up another 3 grand.They got no case in trying to charge me because if the unit is under warranty and they cannot provide me with a repair or replacement let them eat the charge.
Overhang, you can call Walt at Krell about your position and maybe get some satisfaction!
Who is Walt?I'll wait 'til the unit is ready.It is too early to get upset.I still believe i won't be charged a penny for the repair/upgrade.
Yes, I have no reason to believe krell will do anything to loose a very good, vocal customer! Walter is the customer complaint guy..readily available.