Anybody heard Martin Logan Summits?

My system consists of Quad 988's, Thor Audio(tubed) TPA-150's, Thor Line Stage, Thor Phono Stage, Thor Dac, with Cary 306/200 as a transport, Audio Physics Minos Subwoofer,
with a VPI Scoutmaster turntable and a Clear Audio Discovery cartridge. My room is 20X 20 with 12 foot ceilings and my room has been heavily treated by Echo Busters. The probelm lies within my Quad 988's. They have
some wonderful qualities, but have limited dynamics and poor bass response. Without the sub, the sound is poor. I am seeking a true full range speaker that is detailed, moves a lot of air and will make me feel that I don't want to look anymore. My budget per pair maxes out at $15,000.00. I would prefer to spend less. I recently heard some speakers at the show and was not impressed. I am in the New York area and in fact today I am going to hear the Reimer Grand Tetons in Patchogue, New York. I will advise arfter I listen. They sell for about $6000.00 per pair. This has been a difficult journey as I realize that all speakers are a compromise. I also feel that I want an efficient speaker. This leaves out, Sound Lab, Avalon Eidelon.(used comes in at my max)I have spent so much on electronics and feel that the Thor tubed gear is so good that I won't consider changing amps to a 300 per channel solid state variety. Any thoughts would be helpful.
Denf - Sounds like you are the guy to be writing the review of the summits given your past with ML. I have only briefly listened to the Prodigy and the Od's, both of which I like very much. The summits, to me, just seemed to provide a larger soundstage (both higher and deeper). The summits are also much better on the WAF than the Prod's or the Od's. Now - if I owned the Prod's would I trade them in for the Summits - yes if space and appearance were an issue. Probably not otherwise. Since I don't own any other ML's, I've ordered a pair of the summits and will run them with a Blue Circle 206 and tube preamp.
Jmpwme - Congratulations! I hope you won't have to wait too long. When did they say you'll get your Summits?

Thanks Jmpwme. Yes, please talk to the fine folks at Martin-Logan and arrange to have a pair of Summits sent over...

(Don't we wish it were that easy!) Seriously though, I have to commend M.L. for their continuing efforts in refining and perfecting their designs. In the past, each time a new model came out, I was always a bit skeptical as to whether they would be an improvement over previous models, but that skepticism was always laid to rest when the new models graced my system.

I have no doubt that the Summits will be a marked improvement over the Prodigy's and other previous models, and will probably "raise the bar", so to speak, for other loudspeakers in this price category.

I for one welcome the slightly smaller footprint and overall size of the Summits as I found the Prodigy's and Odyessy's a bit on the "chunky" side of things.
I too have owned Sequel II's for 10 years and a pair of Prodigy's for three years. I love these speakers. I parted with my set a year or so ago and with a new home under construction am thinking about ML again. I too am interested in the differance between the Prodigy speakers and the Summit. I hope this thread continues.
What about the reduced size of the panels. In the past the size of the electrostaic panels played a large roll in performance. Any comments?