@nonoise hey hey, easy tiger, there is a German here after all...
After the death of Germany's most beloved (and VERY FUNNY) comedian Loriot 9 years ago, there was an entertaining article in UK's The Guardian about the difficulty trying to translate his humor. A good line from the article is: "Empirically speaking, English people are among the least qualified in the world to pass judgment on comedy in other languages." ;-)
Anyhow, zero offense taken, us Germans have (or should have) developed a rather thick skin about how we are being stereo-typed.
After the death of Germany's most beloved (and VERY FUNNY) comedian Loriot 9 years ago, there was an entertaining article in UK's The Guardian about the difficulty trying to translate his humor. A good line from the article is: "Empirically speaking, English people are among the least qualified in the world to pass judgment on comedy in other languages." ;-)
Anyhow, zero offense taken, us Germans have (or should have) developed a rather thick skin about how we are being stereo-typed.