Anyone attending RMAF 2013?

Hi All,
Just wanted to know if any of you Audiogon members are planning to attend RMAF 2013? I am planning to attend - I last attended RMAF back in 2007 & had a blast. It's time to repeat the experience.
This is RMAF's 10th anniversary so I felt that it might be worth attending (if nothing else then just for the fact that they have reached a milestone year of the show).
Do any of you fellow Apogee speaker owners know if the Apogee owners are meeting at RMAF (like they usually did in previous years?). I remember that they all used to congregate under the big stag in the lobby or something like that.
Thanks for your feedback all of you.
(I could not find a RMAF 2013 thread so I started one).
I'm providing official photo coverage for RMAF so I'll be there. Probably running more than visiting since there are so many rooms to photograph.
Not going unfortunately. Looking forward for your coverage @albert. Part time audiophile also makes detailed reports of the show.