Anyone compare Herron VTSP-3a and Lamm L2.1 Deluxe?

Upgrading and I have access to nice deals on these but can't demo. Hoping someone has heard both?
I've heard neither! But I have the Herron phono stage. And I talked on the phone quite a bit with Keith Herron, both before and after the sale. More than enough to say with Herron you are getting Keith Herron, which is priceless, which you will know within minutes of talking with him the man is a rock. No wonder his gear is so highly regarded, and hardly ever comes up on the used market, in spite of there being quite a bit of it out there.

Not to mention the VTSP-3A just looks a whole heck of a lot better.

If you're down to just these two then its time to give Keith a call. That's what I would do.
I never listened to Lamm but I have a Herron line and phono stage.
Both were upgraded to current specs a couple months back and Keith shipped it back in a and gave me extra new tubes .
He is very knowledgeable and the upgrades sound very nice .

I see you have the Herron VTSP in your system, so you already know the house sound of the Herron to some degree. Are you looking @ the Lamm as a change all choice? There is a reasonably good deal on the Lamm LL2.1 deluxe on Agon right now and I have a source where I bought mine new that was a steal. Like you I haven't compared the two choices you list but did go thru some very nice preamps to get to the Lamm and it is and will remain the center piece of my system. Good luck
Love Herron, the sound and the man, but I'm mostly wondering whether tube rectification in the Lamm may give me a more textured, tactile sound... if that makes sense. My audiophile lingo-speak is lacking.
Don’t know the Lamm but own the Herron. Not sure if what you are looking for is a euphonic tube sound with added warmth but you won’t get that with the Herron. You will know you are listening to tubes because of the harmonic rightness and the air and space around the instruments and voices. But you won’t hear any stereotypical tube colorations or tube induced noise. Just a high level of purity and impeccable timing. And, as others have mentioned, Keith!
@dhcod , I think you might be onto something with the tube rectification thing as I love my Lamm, tube rectified, love my Allnic H1500se phono over the Herron phono, again tube rectified and love my Dennise Had Inspire headphone amp also tube rectified. I am just drawn to tube rectified equipment. Enjoy the music.
The Lamm is excellent and, if you’re interested, I’m happy to help you answer this question in your system.

- Colin

Lamm Industries dealer
I've heard the Lamm in a friend's system and lusted after it but just out of my price range. Go for the Lamm!
Just to follow up, I got the Lamm and it's ridiculous how much better my system, which I thought sounded pretty great before, sounds. Spacially and tonally just great. And bass! Finally. Thanks for everyone's help!