Anyone familier with Fuselier speakers?

I had the good fortune of finding a pair of 8-3D Fuselier
speakers at an estate sale. After breaking them in, I found
them to be the most natural sounding speakers I have had the pleasure of listening to. They are large three way monitors with Dynaudio drivers.If anyone has owned or has any additional information about these speakers, I would appreciate your comments.
I remember reading about them in the Absolute Sound in the early 80's. They compared well with the Thiels and Vandersteens of the time according to the article. I was just thinking that I never had such luck at any Estate sale that I have ever been to! Bob
Fat Julian in Roswell sold Fuselier, don't know if there were any other dealers.
I can give you the whole story if interested. I knew John back in the day. The 3.8D was the largest of the Signature series and the only one to use all Dynaudio drivers. John's speakers were time aligned and phase coherent and pulsed quite cleanly. They imaged with the best of them. He was an audio treasure who was ahead of his time and under-recognized. Let me know if you want ot sell them.
Boy, would I like more info about Mr. Fuselier.
The fuseliers are great speakers.
Yes, I bought a pair of Fuselier 2's (that's all the invoice says) from Julian in 1984. They were some of the first ones John Fuselier made I understand. John was a pilot, thus the name of his hand made speakers. Julian also sold me stands made for them, they are called bookcase speakers, but are too deep for a normal bookcase and of course sit on the floor on the stands slightly tipped upward.

Wonder how Julian is doing these days. I fear he may have pass on or be ill. He always welcomed us to hear experimental speakers in his shop even after we purchased our system. He had a tremendous LP collection and swore by LP's, said CD's could never truly replace LPs.