

Responses from vdotman

Jeff Rowland, what happened ?
Check with OCD Mikey. I believe he is a Roland dealer, or at least he was.  
Linear Power Supply Recommendations!
I used an SBooster with the Geshelli Labs Dayzee DAC and the improvement was noticeable and positive. Once enjoyed it was not the same without it.  
A special loudspeaker - Revival Audio Atalante 5
@jbhiller , I am in agreement with your taste. Decades ago I was in AudioArt in Richmond VA and in one of their rooms they had a super high end system employing electrostatic loudspeakers. The presentation was hyper realistic to the point it becam... 
A special loudspeaker - Revival Audio Atalante 5
Is there anyone here who prefers a fatiguing presentation, and if so, why? Just asking.  
Streaming/DAC Upgrade
I have the Auralic Aries G1.1 and the Geshelli Labs Dayzee DAC. Together they make beautiful music.  
Bel Canto. John Stronczer has class D dialed in. The E1X integrated is all you need.   
Integrated Amplifier Recommendations Needed
I’ll throw my hat in the ring for Hegel. It’s a no brainer!  
Solid State preamp Brands
Bel Canto Pre 5. It’s not this and it’s not that, it’s music, and isn’t that what you want?  
Speakers or Turntable upgrade
Do you like the way your system sounds? No way I can put myself in your place, but if you are happy with the presentation, then upgrading your turntable, and especially your cartridge will reveal more of the substance of the music within your exis... 
A DAC for the Oppo 105
I’ve had the Oppo 105 for years and although it is not at the level of my current digital rig, I never found it to sound thin or fatiguing. Perhaps not as transparent as something better, but still a good sounding multi format machine. I had a Mar... 
Eversolo DMP 8 audition going poorly...
Can’t really comment on the Eversolo A8 other than I had some contact with a guy who bought one but decided not to keep it and returned it for a refund. Now, regarding the comments about streaming thru Qobuz, I’ve been using the service for severa... 
Comparison of various subwoofers for 2 channel audio
I had a pair of SVS Micro 3000's which sounded excellent with the Dynaudio and  Graham Audio speakers I was using at the time. Now I have a single KEF KC92 sub paired with the Q Acoustics Concept 300 monitors, and I couldn't be happier. Great bass... 
Did anyone return a PSAudio Powerplant? Why?
I had one and had to send it back to PS Audio for service, and it was probably around 10 years old at the time, but I really don’t remember for certain. The problem it had was something pretty common to older units from what I do remember. Somethi... 
Importance of streamer in audio chain
I have two digital sources. One is the HifiRose RS150b all-in-one streamer/dac (and preamp if you choose). The other is an Auralic Aries G1.1 streamer feeding a Geshelli Labs Dayzee Dac. The Rose is an excellent machine. It sounds really nice. How... 
Is there anything other than a Benchmark DAC?
Geshelli Labs Dayzee. You have to wait to get one, but it’s worth the wait!