Please don't think I was implying Lgraef was my target.I was,and am not.It was a generalization,on the 2.2,which happened to be Hi-Fi News and Record Review's Analog component of the year,for 2004.Sibilence?The British didn't hear it,in awarding it such a high honor.Yet,now that the inevitable (and expected) great review of the new and universally? better product appears,lets star to look at our bank accounts again.That does not mean the 2.2 can't be bettered,but Teres felt he heard a sibilence in the 2.2,when he did a comparison,and suddenly Michael Fremer,in his Phantom review,after having a 2.2 for years,and loving it,claims that he "never was really wild about it"!!Hmm???
Hey,why do the English press like said product SO much,as to single it out,only six months ago,but now a sudden sibilence appears.I'm not rationalizing that other designs may better the 2.2,but I cannot get away from the fact I run a 7 gm cartridge,have a table with vacuum,so the magna glide is more minimal here,and don't really want to put a heavier arm on my sprung suspension table.I believe that the Titan which Fremer used is 12.5 gms.Big difference,and the arm mass makes a diff,as Raul points out,which few give his correct observation credit for,but that wasn't mentioned in Fremer's review.Not that 12.5 gms isn't negotiated well on a 2.2,but I'll bet 7.5 gms is a better match.Here I may be rationalizing a bit,but I deserve to.I may be over reacting,and probably am,a bit,but these are issues I consider before allowing my hard earned monies(and carefully chosen components) to fly out of my pocket!Anyone really savvy,will jump on the 2.2's that will be going used,for probably 1500.00 bucks,fairly soon!!
Best regards!
Hey,why do the English press like said product SO much,as to single it out,only six months ago,but now a sudden sibilence appears.I'm not rationalizing that other designs may better the 2.2,but I cannot get away from the fact I run a 7 gm cartridge,have a table with vacuum,so the magna glide is more minimal here,and don't really want to put a heavier arm on my sprung suspension table.I believe that the Titan which Fremer used is 12.5 gms.Big difference,and the arm mass makes a diff,as Raul points out,which few give his correct observation credit for,but that wasn't mentioned in Fremer's review.Not that 12.5 gms isn't negotiated well on a 2.2,but I'll bet 7.5 gms is a better match.Here I may be rationalizing a bit,but I deserve to.I may be over reacting,and probably am,a bit,but these are issues I consider before allowing my hard earned monies(and carefully chosen components) to fly out of my pocket!Anyone really savvy,will jump on the 2.2's that will be going used,for probably 1500.00 bucks,fairly soon!!
Best regards!