anyone gone from the Graham 2.2 to vecteur arm ?

I am considering the Vecteur arm as a natural match for my Basis 2500 table for increased performance although the Graham has served me well and is hard to fault. I would appreciate any experience of any who have been in a similarly related situation. Thanks in advance.
In my case, I do not feel that I jumped for the 'flavor of the month.' The Vector has been out a while, in fact.
I would not have guessed that my complaint of sibilance with the Graham would have caused so much sand in people's panties. In MY experience, I could not get the Graham to make music the way I wanted to hear it. Many records were unlistenable due to mistracking. I struggled with this for over a year before I reluctantly traded in the Graham towards the Vector. My conclusion (as nothing else changed in the system) is that the Graham was the culprit.
If others love the arm, cool; maybe just works in your system (or is the Graham compensating for deficiencies in YOUR setup?. Just didn't work for me.
Dare I ask... what kind of differences do you think I'd hear going from a tricked out Rega RB300 to a Vector? Table is Basis 2001, cartridge the original Van Den Hull Frog. Phono preamp is a very upgraded EAR 834p chrome.
Thanks for all your comments. I was listening earlier to the Johnny Hartman/John Coltrane album and I definitely heard the sibilance in Hartmans voice during louder singing passages. I just read MF' s review of the Phantom b-44 in stereophile and can relate to some of his findings w/ the 2.2. Then of course he went on to talk about how the Phantom improves on the 2.2 in all the areas where it (the 2.2) may be lacking. I believe he called the 2.2 a little medicinal and mechanical sounding next to the Phantom and for that matter next to his Immedia RPM-2 tonearm. Not to rock anyones boat, but We all have different systems and I am quite sure the 2.2 may complement ones particular system. However , I am only looking to improve my sound based only on my own personal preferences. I am awaiting a new Benz ruby 3H and when it arrives I may just ride on in to the sunset w/ the 2.2 guiding the way. I will make it a point to report my findings at that time if any are interested. Hopefully when I play the Stairway to heaven 45 rpm w/ the benz tracking, things wont kind of fall apart just when Jimmy Page really lets loose. I just cant have that. Next up, the Phantom vs. the Vecteur. Dont change that channel.
During the time that I lived with the Ruby/Graham combo, I experienced two periods of mistracking with the Ruby both of which were eliminated. The first was caused by too much damping fluid in the well. Once I got the damping tuned (less than the recommended amount), that took care of things for quite a while.

The second occurrence happened when dust had built up on the cantilever unknown to me. I clean the stylus regularly but never looked at the cantilever. It wasn't until I was switching cartridges and had the wand off the arm that I noticed the build up. I cleaned the cantilever before proceeding with the switch and that took care of the mistracking I was experiencing.
I ADMIT that I must seem like a bit of a fanatic,and obnoxious in some of my posts.Sorry!That being said,it is correct that we all just want to find our own concept of musical reality,whether digital/analog/I-pod/car radio etc.

Obviously some systems will sound better with certain combinations.Some will vary,and I've seen some of my own friends' systems where a product worked in one,and not another,so I respect all of you guys' findings,and opinions.

I will add that I have NEVER (and both of my friends with the same arm) had any mistracking with my 2.2!If I had mistracking,I would certainly not think it was the 2.2 that,itself,was the culprit.As with the rediculous claim of any kind of sibilent nature to the 2.2,these can easily be attributed to other dial in parameters,or the set-up person themselves.Best regards.