Anyone have experience with VTV amplifiers?

I've just learned about VTVamplifier, which seems to have extensive history selling tubes and other parts, through Ebay. Now, they have a full line of Hypex amps, and Purifi. Do any of you have experience with this outfit? How about their amps? I was not able to find a review on their amps; maybe I missed something...


As an FYI, the VTV now has AES-48 compliance grounding pin #1 to chassis.....see FAQs at for full discussion.

Also, we will have 12V trigger operation available in about ten days, could help with djones51 point above not liking switch on back.  Apologize the build on yours did not meet your expectation.  We have changed several of the looms to improve the setup....we can share current photos if interested.

New chassis stock arriving this week (finally) so all items now off backorder....will be finishing items in order of receipt.

Our PASCAL line will also be available in about a week.

Unfortunate. These small-time, likely single operator outfits shoot themselves in the foot by not slowing down and doing good work. They could build good reputations, if they sacrificed a little in the speed department, checked their work, made it tidy, accurate. 

Nord too?~! 

Have you any experience with d-sonic? 
If you want to fix the internal issues it was a nice neutral amp. Good power, bass sounded nice not boomy. I think the Purifi is about the best class D at a reasonable  price at the moment. I have seen issues with Nord as well ,speakers wired wrong, so I would look inside one of those if you go that direction.
The XLR pin 1 is wired wrong and there is no mains ground.  Speaker and XLR connections were soldered sloppy. 
The VTV version appears to run at a considerable discount, compared to, for example, the Apollon audio version, which starts at about $2500.00. Nord has a stereo version that starts around $1200, and a true-mono version at about $1800.00. The VTV starts at $900.00, including the stock buffer and then goes up to $1250 and upward. 

I can handle a back power switch; were there any other build quality issues? Did you look inside? Aesthetically, it looks quite attractive...

I'm mostly concerned about the sound quality. Neutral and good detail fit for me. How was the bass, mid-bass response? In all that I read, purifi is praised as (maybe) the best OEM modules. Does it compare to any A/B amps you know?

In what I've read of your experience in another thread, or two, you seemed to back away from class D in favor of A/B. My interest is in higher watts at a good value ratio. 
Don't send me PM's ask the questions in the open forum. The VTV was a neutral amp with good detail, I liked it. As I said I wasn't impressed with the build quality and I didn't want to bother with modifying.  One thing I really disliked was the power switch on the back, either it ran all the time or I had to get down behind it to turn it off. 
I had one of their Purifi amps for about a week and returned it. The amp worked, didn't sound bad but I wasn't impressed with the build quality.