I'm all for the humidifier solution. Not only will it minimize static discharges, but it will help preserve your speaker cabinets, your furniture, any and all paper and cloth products in your home, but your health as well. If you don't run a humidifier I can guarantee you more colds and other maladies every winter season. I have one right in the living room with the stereo stuff, and I swear it makes my Maggies sound better. Besides, when I don't run it, the dogs won't come near me since I keep zapping them. I also ground all my components- if a manufacturer gives you a ground lug on the back of something, use it! I attach all the lugs discretely to a buss-bar, and then to the ground on a wall duplex via a banana jack. Use static spray, too. It even helps keep the equipment cleaner. Despite what they say, though, keep it off of plastic component windows and faceplates.
Anyone have this happen to them?
I always leave my components on. I have noticed that quite a bit of static electricity exists in my listening room/living room. I went to my preamp and switched from the CD input to the tuner input. The volume was set at a very low level. I was wearing my socks which does not help the static electricity situation. A horrible loud sound came out of my speakers. It sounded like bad radio frequency. I immediately turned the volume down to zero. I then switched to the CD input and checked to see if any damage had occured to the system (None, Thank God).
Both the CD and the Tuner input are balanced inputs and I have shielded balanced interconnects for both components. I have a seperate power circuit that has a Monster Cable HTS 2000 plugged into it. The tuner has a simple non powered Magnum Dynalab ribbon antenna plugged into it.
Any ideas of what happened? I have been listening to the system with no issues since this occured a few hours ago. Any ideas on how to lessen the chance of this occuring again? I would appreciate any feedback.
Thank you,
Both the CD and the Tuner input are balanced inputs and I have shielded balanced interconnects for both components. I have a seperate power circuit that has a Monster Cable HTS 2000 plugged into it. The tuner has a simple non powered Magnum Dynalab ribbon antenna plugged into it.
Any ideas of what happened? I have been listening to the system with no issues since this occured a few hours ago. Any ideas on how to lessen the chance of this occuring again? I would appreciate any feedback.
Thank you,