Anyone hear Classic Audio T9?

I see Classic Audio Loudspeakers has some smaller models in their lineup - T9 and T7.  I was wondering if anyone's had a chance to hear them, and how they compare to their bigger T3 model.  I heard the T3 at FLAX early this year and was very impressed with teh sound, but the thought of putting something that big in my living room is overwheliming.  Even their smaller Studio Standard IIB is a bit overwhelming.  Trying to position them for optimum sound, move them to clean, even just the visual presence is a lot for where they would go in my living room, which is about 17X10.  But the sound was phenomenal. 
Trying to position them for optimum sound,
Because of the horns, you can place the T-3s against the wall and they will image just fine- that's how I do it at home. My room is about the same size as yours and there's no question that the speakers dominate the room. But they sound great! I did have a bit of a standing wave killing some of the bass at the listening chair but dealt with that using a pair of Swarm subwoofers to break it up.
@atmasphere If I remember correctly the T3's have two woofers one for mid bass and the other for the very bottom, a built in subwoofer. So, you have 4 subwoofers in the room. Interesting way to do it. Where do you roll off the subwoofers? Where is the crossover between the two woofers in the T3? Most of the nodal behavior is below 100 Hz. A
@honest1 The T7 is a single driver small tower affair that could not possible compete with the T1, T3 or T5. These are multiway horn systems weighing between 200 to 450 lb. 
 If I remember correctly the T3's have two woofers one for mid bass and the other for the very bottom, a built in subwoofer.
Actually its simply two 15" woofers, one forward firing and the other down-firing. They both are operating on the same circuit. But they have a Fs of 22Hz; no worries going to 20Hz (I had my T-3s built a little taller so they would be flat to 20Hz and they do that with no worries). So they are crossed over at 500Hz. The Swarm subs are crossed over at about 65Hz.
Clearly, the T9 won't be able to do everything the T3 does.  But if the main loss is maximum output, I don't listen at crazy volume levels, so I was thinking they might work.  My current speakers have 8" drivers, too (sealed box mid & band pass woofer).  But if the character is unrecognizable from the T3, then it might not be worthwhile.  If I go big, I was thinking more along the lines of the SSIIB (only 1 woofer), so noticably smaller than the T3, but still really hulking by most other standards.  Then there's the question of how does the acoustic lens sound compared to the tractrix horn?  I don't know.  The T5 seemed like a possibility, but it sounded like he doesn't offer it any more, although I could be wrong about that.
No matter what a person's sonic preferences are, I can't imagine them not enjoying the sound of Classic Audio speakers. The sound is just so natural and inviting. I have heard them only twice, and it was in show conditions, but each time I knew that they were speakers that I could love long term. You'll get used to the visual intrusion, and anyway, I think that they're beautiful. 
Then there's the question of how does the acoustic lens sound compared to the tractrix horn?
The lens seems to have a harshness (this entirely IMO) compared to the tractrix horn. If you're interested in the T-9, by all means, call John and talk to him. He's not going to steer you wrong on this!
The below quote is how I feel. I just acquired a pair of T1.5 reference after years and years of looking for my next speaker. Listened to a variety of topologies and styles and at the same time attended numerous audio shows in the U.S. and in Europe. After hearing several Classic audio Loudspeakers at these various shows my impressions were confirmed as to the sound quality attributes that conveyed to me that these were special speakers.

My belief is if you like the signature sound of the contemporary series from Classic Audio that you should reach out to Classic Audio and ask about if he has any cabinets for the T9 or is willing to build you one. When I visited his shop this past summer, I get the impression that he builds to quality and not time standards...therefore, a new build would probably be a little while. That’s why I mentioned asking him what cabinets he has laying around. Good luck.

“No matter what a person’s sonic preferences are, I can’t imagine them not enjoying the sound of Classic Audio speakers. The sound is just so natural and inviting. I have heard them only twice, and it was in show conditions, but each time I knew that they were speakers that I could love long term. You’ll get used to the visual intrusion, and anyway, I think that they’re beautiful”

It occurred to me that the system at FLAX I heard was using Novacron amplifiers at rev 3.3, whereas my amplifiers were at rev3.1.  For the small cost of updating to rev3.3, I figured I'd give that a try before changing speakers.  Having the amps back for a while now, I can say I'm very impressed with the results, and that the upgrade gave me a significant helping of the sound I was looking for.  The sound after update is much more open and dynamic.  I'm quite shocked at the difference.  I thought the amps were pretty good already.  The increase in dynamics seems to be due to a reduction in noise floor, rather than an increase in peaks, if that makes sense.  The system is more satisfying when played at low volumes now.  Bass also seems more controlled and tighter.  The overall impression is that the music sounds more powerful and vivid across the spectrum.  More detail can be heard from the very deepest bass through the highest frequencies, but without being fatiguing.  I did notice an increase in high-frequency extension, which I was surprised at.  In my case it worked out well.  My speakers have a switch to help match the speakers to the amplifiers.  I had it set in the position that boosts highs a bit.  Since the update, ti sounds more natural with the switch in the normal position, and now sounds better than before with the switch in the other position.  The increased resolution is not a result of simply boosting the highs, but is a real improvement across the board.  I'm still contemplating a change to Classic Audio speakers, but am less urgent about it than before.