Anyone hear the Class D Audio Mini GaN 5 amp yet?

Looks intriguing but not much out there on it yet so wondering if anyone here has had a chance to hear it or, even better, had a chance to compare it to other amps. Thinking of taking a flier on this amp given the tech and price, but we all know implementation is everything so looking for some real-world impressions before ponying up any dough. Also, please let’s not make this yet another measurement debate — I’m purely interested in sonic impressions here so take your measurement comments elsewhere. Thanks.
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doogiehowser"Let attitude more reading would be your friend considering the ASR link had listening impressions"
I also struggle and wrestle with the English language because I am not a native speaker so I am not criticizing you're comment but it is not clear I believe as it is written so you may want to rephrase, reword, or reconstruct you're sentence for clarity and comprehension.

Also you may want to know because you are new here that ASR is widely disregarded here because although they claim to be about "science" it is obvious from even a casual review of they're work that they are very unscientific and make unsupported claims you will see many references to this on Audiogon you need to find better sources and a word of advice don't let the word "science" make you think it is "true."
Let me know when someone actually buys one and listens to it and can share their findings.

I am tempted for that price but can’t justify another amp quite yet. The longer one waits, the better off one usually is in regards to the product/technology options at their disposal to buy. In other words, new innovations of value to many and not just a select few with unlimited funds only get better and cheaper over time.
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Let attitude more reading would be your friend considering the ASR link had listening impressions.
Ha!  Going to ASR for listening impressions is like going to The Absolute Sound for rigorous reviews and objective measurements.  No bueno.