Anyone heard the Onkyo sp 1000 yet?

I am looking for a universal player to match my Von Schweikert vr4 jr's and Cary cinema 5 amp. I am using a complete Von Schweikert system with 2 subs. I heard the onkyo was excellent. Any opinions or other suggestions?
The way it seems, you must either work for Onkyo, or they are paying you a healthy sum of money.
How much $ are u getting from them?
I agree with Rmaidenberg that trying to ignore, or trying to cover up deficiencies that are well documented by other owners, or former owners, of audio components is insane.
It seems that the only reviews or comments that you bother to read are the "glowing reviews" by audio publications that are being "paid off" to write rave reviews.
I have read on a couple of forums plenty of comments from several different owners or previous owners of the Onkyo DV-SP1000 and its lip-sync issues.
Go ahead and live in your Onkyo dream world and be happy!
Ears (Greg) I wish you would just give this up. The SP1000 is good for the money, but not the giant killer that you claim.

For everyone else jumping on Ears's case, I am afraid it is a lost one. My guess is that he will never give up. That is why I said earlier I wouldn't post again, but I couldn't resist peeking. My fears were confirmed...this really is a stupid waist of time. The only thing going on here is that Ears is making many folks who have tried this machine, because of all the hype, angry over his opinions and the way he delivers them as facts. Let Ears live in his bliss. I just wish he would keep it to himself.

Ears, your post concerning the audio quality and lip-sync is flat out irresponsible. You clearly know very well how to play the semantics game. Why do you have to play this game here (rhetorical question…please do not answer)? Why would you write such a thing when you know so intimately what the problems are (another rhetorical question…please do not answer)?

These problems are not new, and Ears knows this. I communicated with Ears in the AVSForum regarding the audio not being up to my Lexicon RT-10’s level back in October, as well as the lip-sync problem. In fact, I believe it was Ears who recommended RAM East for modifications (and someone else that I can’t remember) to bring the audio up to a more acceptable level. I never pursued the mods because the lip-sync was so bad, and Ears knew this too. The only reason this is more recognized now is because there are more machines on the market with the problem.

The audio is good for a $2K machine, but that is all. Ears has had a lot of gear and doesn’t feel this way, and that is just fine. I have too gone through a lot of demos in my system since returning my Integra DPS 10.5 (the Integra equivalent of the SP1000) and noticed quite large differences. My conclusion (and I really wanted the 10.5 to be the giant killer) was that the DPS 10.5 was only slightly better than the Denon 3910, but way off of Lexicon, Krell, Esoteric and Meridian. It is laughable to me that it could be compared to the Linn Unidisk 1.1. Ears and I even communicated in detail about the Wolfson DACs used in the Onkyo/Integra, and how they are no longer in production (Back in October, Wolfson considered it an obsolete part). Does planned obsolescence ring in your mind?

Ears, think about what you are saying...might I suggest you at least tone it down some. It is obvious that folks do not share your opinions. My local Integra dealer had something like 6 of 8 DPS 10.5s returned because of the lip-sync, and Integra stopped shipping units because of this. If you are successful at swaying someone's purchasing decision, they may very well be disappointed and be forced to return their machine, incurring a lot of aggravation and wasting both time and money...maybe because of you. Let others be the judge too...and respect that…that is all…for real this time.

Jeeze this hobby takes up a lot of time!
Ok people,
There are like 8 people at AVS in a poll that have or had a sync problem with a couple of them trying more than one player adding to the total.

Again..... nobody on any audio based board has ever mentioned having sync problems until now to my knowledge.

There are how many thousands of the sp1000's sold around the world with zero sync problems, and in fact the creator of the sync thread has no problems at AVS.
None of the 7 pro reviews seem to have a sync problem either.
I use an all digital amped set up for H/T using both coaxial and optical in a bi amped set up with 110 inch plus screen, and no sync controls with zero sync problems.

Audio Girl, there are no reviews of the sp 1000 that are not glowing and I am a contractor whith plenty of documented experience whith other
I paid full list for the 1000 and feel its worth every penny.
The only real fact is that you were never involved in any 1000 thread over the last few months up until your player was mentioned....since then, you have been evidently threatened by a review, which in your own opinion, is just paid advertising any way.

The only thing I posted were reviews, and never did I state that they were facts based on my own comparisons.
I....again, have no problem at all believing that the Merdian player is sonically better than the 1000 as even the review says the merdian had the edge for audio as I already stated several times if you actually read the posts instead of reading more into them than needed.

The only thing I have ever personally posted as my own personal opinion about the 1000, was that it has the best video I have ever seen on any player, and the best audio from a 2.5k or less universal......thats it.
This info was posted at Audio Circle were nobody seems to disagree, and in fact the only personal audio comparisons I have seen posted at an audio based board up to now, had owners liking the 1000 better than there Marantz sa-14 and Sony xa777es for redbook and sa-cd.

Dave, if the Wolfson dacs are obsolete, I guess the top Accuphase players are obsolete also as they use the same dacs, and trying any player out for yourself goes without saying at any audio board imo.
I do not feel threatened in the least by any of the "GLOWING" reviews of the Onkyo DV-SP1000!
Everyone is just tired of reading your ignorance.
I just stated the facts.
Don't worry, you want here from me anymore on this thread.
I'm tired of arguing with you.
I'm outta here.
Posted by Q of BanditZ at AVS Forum today:


"10 No Lip Synch whatsoever/Never

"13 "Intermiitent/random/unpredictable" synch issues. (May not even be consistent synch on the same disc at the same spots. Most of entrants here have had this problem.)

"3 "All the time synch every time disc is played back." These are two for Milo and RFogg said he has to use his Anthem delay feature on all movies he watches. He specified all the time."

In other words, only 10 out of 26 have had no A/V sync problem. That is 38 percent, any way you slice it.

Compare Q's tally with Ears comment of today:

"There are like 8 people at AVS in a poll that have or had a sync problem with a couple of them trying more than one player adding to the total."

The facts are the facts.

The speculation is as follows (as posted by Ears today): "There are how many thousands of the sp1000's sold around the world with zero sync problems."

How do we know this? Perhaps Ears is tapped into the global pipeline of Onkyo owners.

Is it not equally plausible, if not more so - look at Q's tally - that there are more Onkyo's sold with A/V sync problems that without? As noted before, Onkyo is aware of the problem. Reread rider's 2/14/05 posted at AVScience, which I quoted above and quote again:

"Latest update I got from Onkyo tech support:

"Japan is still working on problem. Tech said the problem is very "widespread".

The facts are that the problem is "widespread".

A DVD player, no matter how good it sounds, and no matter what its price point - it may be the greatest thing since sliced bread - is a nonstarter. When Onkyo comes up with a fix - or should I say "if" Onkyo comes up with a fix - then and only then is this player a player to be reckoned with.