Anyone here using vintage speakers?

I am mostly a lurker and reader here and see very little conversation about vintage speakers (pre 1985). I have owned Altec 604's for about a year now and love the hell out of them. Just wondered if there are other vintage users in this crowd?
Some say that 25 years is a good number for being qualified as vintage. Here's an older AA thread:


I use vintage Ohm L's and Walsh 2's, though I have upgraded, re-furbished or enhanced each to some extent from their original configuration.

I also still have a pair of "vintage" Realistic Minimus 7's with wood veneer cabinets in use out on my deck. These are original configurations, no tweaks or refurbs. They still sound great for what they are and cost originally ($50). Amazingly, though protected directly from teh elements, these have lasted in continuous regular seasonal outdoor use now for 10 years. The cabinets very much show the wear and tear from the elements, much like a wooden garden bench would, but the sound is still pristine and excellent.
I don't know how the term 'vintage' came to mean 'old'. That word simply describes some specific period of time, originally applied to wine.

About like saying 'back in the day'. huh? When was that?


Main Entry: vin·tage
Pronunciation: \vin-tij\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, probably alteration of vendage, from Anglo-French vendage, vendenge, from Latin vindemia grape-gathering, vintage, from vinum wine, grapes + demere to take off, from de- + emere to take — more at wine, redeem
Date: 15th century
1 a (1): a season's yield of grapes or wine from a vineyard (2): wine; especially : a usually superior wine all or most of which comes from a single year b: a collection of contemporaneous and similar persons or things : crop
2: the act or time of harvesting grapes or making wine
3 a: a period of origin or manufacture b: length of existence : age

But yes, I have used lots of old speakers. They did not sound as good as newer designs.

Well It should be who is using "Classic" speakers then, however instant Classic speakers could be 6 months old too! Who knows.

It seems to me the only way to define this thread would be Vintage as in, fairly early crude days of audio reproduction analog sources available only, tape, reel to reel, and vinyl..

Units that are Silver, some black, Remote controls were virtually not available on any units.. Speakers were built mostly made out of Plywood or really bad chipboard, even before MDF was the specified universal material..

Really before the Start of Commercial CD sales or digital reproduction would seem to be a Good time marker to consider it "Vintage" equipment in most peoples minds..