Anyone in Vegas listen to the Gilmore speakers???

If so, any impressions? Thanks in advance.
I missed the live bass performance, but what you say jibes with my impression of the Gilmore-based systems as sounding more like a PA than like a stereo.
Maybe it's just me -- I love planars and panel speakers, but I was underwhelmed.

I heard the smaller ones at moderate volume and found them fatiguing and a bit shouty in the midrange.

In the larger room, the build quality reminded me of shop class in junior high school as I watched Mr Gilmore and a "visitor" tapping their feet in apparent joy and enthusiasm.

Some of you may know that the cult of Linn used to suggest this type of behaviour in dealer sales training seminars.

I found it about as convincing as watching "tourists" "winning" at three card monte and almost as cheesey as the ads.
CW: Let me guess; You live in New England?

I thought the Gilmores construction was first rate.
It would be hard to flub a design this simple.
I did think the black metal frame holding the ribbon could have been gold/chrome plated, however.

The sound of the big panels was noticably disjoined if sitting too close but merged nicely at distance.

And are you saying a manufacturer shouldn't be enthusiastic about their product at a trade show?

Come back to 'Vegas. It's sunny and 65 degrees today.