Anyone listen to the Bel Canto e.One S300i amp???

I need to get an integrated amp for my family room/ kitchen setup. I need a good amp to drive Monitor Audio Gold Signature 10's. The main criteria for this amp is that it can not be any deeper than 13" deep, it has to fit inside a built in cabinet that's next to a fireplace. Currently I'm using an old Nakamichi TA4a receiver.. I'd like to get something better.. Rest of the system is a Bel Canto Dac 1, Squeezebox 3, Anti Cable speaker wire, Transparent ML Super, Sterovox digital cable.. I'm hoping someone has listened to the new Bel Canto S300i, I don't want a bright amp. Thoughts anyone???
Bel Canto units are fantastic sounding and a bargain. Bright sounding, NOT! Only clean and detailed. It seems the term digital is still closely related to bright or "edgy" etc,etc. This is simply not the case. My Bel Cantos bridge a gap between my tube amp and solid state equipment that leaves me smiling. Is there better out there, maybe, but it's all relative to your ancillery equipment. Monitor Audio makes a wonderful product and I think you will be amazed at the power and neutrality of the Bel Canto
Just to chip in on the S300. This little amp uses the standard Icepower 200ASC modules which is a cheap version of the hegher end 250ASP model. In the ICEpower spec, the ASC modules are for "mass market" applications for car audio & subwoofers.

Comparing this amp with the likes of Rotel RMB1077, the Rotel uses 2x250ASP for front channels and 5x250A modules for the other 5 channels, the Rotel is clearly a more superior product base on price performance. Even if you do not need 7 channels, the amp can be used to bi-amp the speakers ie using the front for the HF and the surround for the LF since the 250A modules are design specifically for HT sub woofer application. If you also look carefully at the Rotel amp design, I believe it is highly customised version of the ICEpower modules bec they have eliminated the grounding to lower noise floor which Class D amps typically suffers from.

Bottomline is, if you like the Bel Canto, you owe yourself an audition of the new Rotel class D. You get more technology and sound (IMHO) than you pay for.

Hello Once Again,

My criticism of the Bel Canto's sound is based on sound not the fact that it is digital. In my post near the top I admitted that the Rotel sounded smooth and refined and I said it was the best amp Rotel has ever made.

Because the Monitor Audio Gold series is very smooth and warm it would be a good match but that just confirms my belief that Bel Canto is bright. Clean, yes, detailed, yes, detailed because it is bright and accentuating the level of detail, yes. Just like Spectral, Dunlavey, and Thiel.

The int. just brings out whats on the disc,bright recording,bright sound,,it justs plays what it gets,thats really all that needs to be said,as for somebody that said its Very bright,not even close to an accurate statement.