Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?

Comparisons with the 1.5s and the others that came before? Getting the itch; again......

3 owners of Def speakers with the ASR amp are not hearing what you did with the ASR.

I have learned to disregard your thoughts on the ASR amp as a misguided missile. What you think is real sounding and fake sounding in your system is IYO and not true of the ASR Emitter amp in general.
Cobra, the ASR's neutrality and low noise is simply highlighting the idiosyncrasies of your system/room
Or another possibility,Phil system is revealing the true character of the ASR. One perspective is as plausible as the other.For those who prefer the ASR amp why does it matter so much that some don`t hear it as you do? In phil`s system the Audion amplifier was simply better in his opinion. We have a diffence of opinions,heaven forbid.
Gentleman, this is another example of system synergy. Years ago I tried SS Krell amps in my system, found them bleached/sterile, then tube BAT, found them too warm/coloured. Progressed onto tube pre+SS pow Hovland and it's been in my system ever since.
Aware of this, I'll be fully prepared for sound differences between ASR and Audion/Berning if I investigate amps.
My current consuideration is cart/phono stage (subject for another thread).
Spirit, what cables do you use? The consensus from recent ASR coverts is that Zu cabling is NOT synergistic as is a lot of silver cabling in general unless it is top of the barrel and well implemented. Faux detail and dynamics from silver works with tube amps but is not necessary with the ASR