Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?

Comparisons with the 1.5s and the others that came before? Getting the itch; again......
Thanks, Morgan.

They were sounding pretty good this morning after another 8 hours of Isotek tones looped overnight as I slept.

I think they've improved enough at this point that I can return my old drivers to Zu without worry to retrieve my deposit on them.

Which Isotek cd are you using for burn in? Would like to purchase one.

Is this the Isotek -

It is the one on the Music Direct link with 3 tracks. I just leave that disc looping whenever possible to help speed up burn in. I don't know if it really works quicker then regular burn in, but its definitely not slower...
Morganc and Sean are correct. My Def 4s get better and better even though I have had them for almost a year. Granted, they only get played on weekends and even then are not driven hard; however, there is a smoothness that emerges only with time. I also suspect that some of the factory burn-in may "revert" with long shipping distances especially on an airplane where the cargo hold temperature can be cold.