Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?

Comparisons with the 1.5s and the others that came before? Getting the itch; again......
Is this the Isotek -

It is the one on the Music Direct link with 3 tracks. I just leave that disc looping whenever possible to help speed up burn in. I don't know if it really works quicker then regular burn in, but its definitely not slower...
Morganc and Sean are correct. My Def 4s get better and better even though I have had them for almost a year. Granted, they only get played on weekends and even then are not driven hard; however, there is a smoothness that emerges only with time. I also suspect that some of the factory burn-in may "revert" with long shipping distances especially on an airplane where the cargo hold temperature can be cold.
I think 600 hrs of factory burn in should be sufficient. I would think that any "reversion" during shipping would be overcome in a nice warm room and a couple of hours of Led Zep. I mean 600 hrs! that is a long time. Geeze.

BTW when will the V's be released?
Yeah, I'm also curious about the new Druid V. Hopefully it will be the sweet spot in Zu's line.