Anyone listen to Zu Audio's Definition Mk3?

Comparisons with the 1.5s and the others that came before? Getting the itch; again......

I'm kind of glad to read this as I ended up backing out of an Almarro 318 at the last minute, and have wondered at times what that synergy could have been with my upgraded Def 2s.

You got new Franks, Morgan? Awesome! Wish I were on your coast to hear that rig of yours.

It seems like you're liking that Metrum as well... very cool.
Yes the Metrum is quite nice. I do have an AP-2 for the Metrum but I'm waiting for a replacement Metrum as the Coax went out on mine........

But yes, loving the Franks and it would be great to compare our two systems.....211's vs 300's!
Not to divert the thread, but those of you who use 300b amps, should check out the Takatsuki 300b tubes that are made in Japan. Pricey, but amazing.

One other comment based on Phil's obervation about break-in. . . . in my experience, the Def 4s continue to evolve in a positive direction for months . . . even though they undergo prolonged factory break-in before shipping.
I`d think the Melody AN 211 and the Coincident Frankenstein are going to sound quite different from each other,yet both would likely be excellent and special in their own way. That would be a very interesting comparision with the Zu DEF speakers.No loser in this match.I have`nt heard the Melody 211SET but I`d bet it`s fanstastic.

Morganc, what 300b tube are you using? I`ve had my Franks for over 3 years and have used EH Golden Grid(ok) Western Electric re-issue(just ok) Black Treasure,(very good) Sophia Royal Princess(excellent!). The absolute best IMO the Takatsuki TA-300b(japan) very expensive(1800 USD) but elevates the Franks to the truly sublime tier, just superb.This amp runs the 300b 'very conservatively' and will extend the life of the expensive tubes. Just something to consider.You`ll hear every bit of this superior tube with your transparent Frankenstein.The Sophia Royal Princess is close to the Takatsuki`s performance and better than the other tubes mentioned above.
Funny, you must have replied to morgan`s post just before I did. We had the same thought about the Takatsuki tubes.O f course I agree with you.