Anyone made the "Bob Crump" home-made powercord?

I found Bob's instructions for his power cord using
Belden brand wire, and specific brands of plugs. I just
made two today and guess what? They sound great and nothing
blew up! Just wondering if anyone else tryed making these
and their results.
Ag insider logo xs@2xdave43
Here's what it cost me:

Belden wire: $1.25 a foot
Schurter IEC plug: $7.00
Pass and Seymour plug: $5.00

Total cost for a 6' cord: $19.50 plus a little solder and
about 20 minutes of labor.

That's the best $20 I've spent in a long time!
Thanks kevperro. I'll pick some of this stuff up and build a couple. Well put Sean, always nice to here your input on these types of subjects. I've been thinking of building some power cords for awhile now. This looks like a great place to start.
The Pass and Seymour plugs are available here in the
midwest at Menard's- a home improvement store, similar
to Lowes, Home Depot, etc. If you can't find them, let
me know and I'll pick some up and mail them to you.
thanks for the offer dave. the only place i can find them (as of tonight) is, where they're $15 ea!

take care