Anyone made the "Bob Crump" home-made powercord?

I found Bob's instructions for his power cord using
Belden brand wire, and specific brands of plugs. I just
made two today and guess what? They sound great and nothing
blew up! Just wondering if anyone else tryed making these
and their results.
Ag insider logo xs@2xdave43
I have made many of them.It is a great cord.Have sold of all my name brand cords.
Anyone interested in a kit with the parts required email me.
I buy the parts In bulk and make them up for friends.
They do wonders on Computers also.
Here's what it cost me:

Belden wire: $1.25 a foot
Schurter IEC plug: $7.00
Pass and Seymour plug: $5.00

Total cost for a 6' cord: $19.50 plus a little solder and
about 20 minutes of labor.

That's the best $20 I've spent in a long time!
Thanks kevperro. I'll pick some of this stuff up and build a couple. Well put Sean, always nice to here your input on these types of subjects. I've been thinking of building some power cords for awhile now. This looks like a great place to start.
The Pass and Seymour plugs are available here in the
midwest at Menard's- a home improvement store, similar
to Lowes, Home Depot, etc. If you can't find them, let
me know and I'll pick some up and mail them to you.