Anyone made the "Bob Crump" home-made powercord?

I found Bob's instructions for his power cord using
Belden brand wire, and specific brands of plugs. I just
made two today and guess what? They sound great and nothing
blew up! Just wondering if anyone else tryed making these
and their results.
Ag insider logo xs@2xdave43
The Pass and Seymour plugs are available here in the
midwest at Menard's- a home improvement store, similar
to Lowes, Home Depot, etc. If you can't find them, let
me know and I'll pick some up and mail them to you.
thanks for the offer dave. the only place i can find them (as of tonight) is, where they're $15 ea!

take care
Anyone try the 90 degree IEC (Shurter or P&S?), or 90 degree P&S male AC plug in this (or similar) design?
Also, can these connectors accept 10AWG? Can a P&S 5242, or only the 20 amp 53XX?
Thanks, folks...I ask because I want to make up PCs from the 10-2 Romex I'm using for dedicated lines, so as to power my remote monos. IOW they're hidden, so I may as well go for 10AWG instead of aesthetics.
Thanks for the advice. Ernie
I've built the 90 degree Schurter into a few cords. It isn't near as good as the 4300.0603 simply because of the contact area across the IEC blade is much smaller. In addition it is harder to work with. I've only used it with stranded 14 gauge and that is difficult enough to stuff into the IEC. I modify the IEC with a dremmel tool and that helps but your talking surgery that insurance companies would frown upon. If somone asked me to put one on a 10 gauge solid Romex I'd just refuse.... if you get it on there is is going to be one hell of a mess on the inside and you would never get it clamped in... you would have to solder.

Just a note... you don't need 10 Gauge going into your equipment. I don't care how much current draw you have or how poorly your power supply is designed. Power cord tweaks are more than just lowering resistance. That is only a small portion of the reason why PCs make a difference. If that wasn't the case we would have the perfect PC by just hooking up some huge copper buss bars across the AC mains and be done with it. Most aftermarket PCs are in the 12-14 gauge range. I think some of them are big just for marketing reasons. I've used 14 gauge on BIG amps and have it outperform 12 gauge easily. It is all about synergy and voodoo B.S. this power cord thing. More of an tweaking art than a science.