Anyone use Audiogon "Wanted" Ads Success?

Do these work? Whenever I list something to sell, checking the Wanted section first doesn't even occur to me and I was wondering if that was normal.

It's worth the question now that they charge $6 to list one of these.
The "wanted" ads are great for miscellaneous items that may be sought after, but not usually found posted. For example, I recently replaced my polycrystal rack's top shelf with a large acrylic base for my new turntable. I shoved the polycrystal shelf into the closet not thinking that it was worth posting an ad for. A couple weeks ago, I saw that a member posted a "wanted" for a top shelf exactly like the one I was storing. So, I sold it to him and both parties are now happy. Worked for him; worked for, yes they work! I do feel that $6 is a bit steep for this type of ad, though.
Yes, when they were still free.

Perhaps $3 to post a wanted and $3 to answer?
When they were free, I used them a couple times and they did work well. I assume they must still work well today since the seller doesn't have to pay to reply.
