Anything as " fast" as SPECTRAL gear?

(My 90's vintage still sounds good with very good (no -exceptional) isolation and conditioning. (Sound Application, Equitech & MIT). SPECTRAL claims faster today. OK. Mid 90's hot cars went 205-210, todays 210-220. Does it make any difference to the music?
Bombaywalla, I generally get your points about slew rate specs and the impact on bandwidth, especially if there are large power demands placed on the amp at higher frequencies.

FWIW, I seem to recall many years ago that I spoke with Leonard, ARC's former customer service rep, about the slew rate issue. Len explained that the design of an amp takes into account many factors and compromises, slew rate being just one of many. The same hold true for negative feedback, DF and so forth.

So, in the end, Len wisely said that it comes down to how does the amp in question sound in real life operating conditions taking into account all of these design considerations and trade-offs. That's what engineers do all the time.

As to your specific point that a 10K square wave pic might not look so pretty at high power outputs ... well that might be true. But as we all know, most of an amp's power demands are in the bass and midrange frequency spectrum.

I surmise that listening to an amp pumping even 50 watts of power into moderately sensitive speakers at 10K Hz would likely melt your ears ... assuming the tweeters could take the load.

Al ... what are your thoughts??
Bruce, I agree with everything in your post, and also with Bombaywalla's last post. The one about slew rate, that is; I have no experience with Quiznos :-) Upon careful reading I don't see the two posts as being inconsistent with each other.

Best regards,
-- Al
Yes the components I build. No caps in the signal path in my preamp. Caps cannot keep up.

Happy Listening.
Hi Al(marg). Your informed and considerate posts are "very" much appreciated. Your background provides a great platform for your insights. My Dad was a Civil Engineer so I appreciate how thorough and appropriate an Engineer can be on a topic of interest. (Dad was a woodworking craftsman and built the boat that so enhanced my youth). Your comments invite me to further research. On a non technical side, I've checked your system indicates stock power cords. Please don't be offended at my totally subjective suggestion that you at least try an MIT Oracle AC 3 (non-networked) power cord. In my Spectral based system these have proven to be extremely effective in all components,including digital,--batting much higher than their approx $600.00 cost via Joe Abrams,their online dealer/discounter for Audiogon. I hope you will sense increased speed and refinement :- )