I have been using the Copper Oval IC's for several weeks now and almost totally agree with Megasam. After listening to these I substituted my Harmonic Tech Pro Silway II's and couldn't stand to sit down in front of the speakers and listen. By comparison the sound was dry, mechanical course and iritating. I tried putting new tubes in my preamp. Didn't help much. The Silver cables are more detailed and "exciting" but they do NOT sound like music. With the Copper Ovals you can sit back and enjoy the music. Crank up the volume and they still sound great! Highs are gorgeous, bass deep and full. The only complaint I have is that the midrange is a little bit too liquid. Some details are glossed over. I guess for that last bit of detail you'll have to spring for the Silver ovals. Anyone tried them? Overall the finest cable I have ever used. If you love the sound of a great tube amp but don't like the cost, upkeep, colorations, and other limitations, these cables will give you much of that sonic heaven for pocket change. My system consists of the following: Analog: Michell GyroSE; Rega RB300; Grado Ref.Sonata. McCormack Micro phono Digital: Sony SCD-777ES Amplification: Melos SHA Gold; McCormack DNA-1 Rev.B Speakers: B&W Nautilus 804 Cables: A+Oval 9 Speaker Cables; Harmonic Tech Truth Link, Pro Silway, Prosilway II; Kimber Silver Streak; A+ Copper Oval.
AP Copper Oval ICs
Well after two weeks with these ICs in my system they are staying. They have the same strengths as AP Oval 9 speaker cables, so those that were not impressed need not try these. Again like the speaker cables they are so smooth and natural at first you think they are too relaxed, but after extended listening other ICs sound exaggerated and strained. The 3D soundstage is massive and deep, amazing at this price level. Detail is impressive, and presented in totally natural, unforced manner. Does not have extended treble energy of best silver cables, or the speed, but I have not heard any silver cable sound this natural......who else has used this IC? Sam