ARC vs Atma-Sphere and ARC vs VTL Amplifiers

(Sorry in advance for the long post.)

While I'm particularly interested in the Atma-Sphere MA-1 and the VTL MB-450, I'm interested in learning what sonics users have experienced from the tube amps of all three of these manufacturers. I am most familiar with Audio Research Corp's products so they provide a good reference point for me. I think ARC has made some great amps, so if something is really compettive with their products or better than their products, that would be impressive.

I realize that the models don't all sound the same within a manufacturer's line as designs can change between models and over time. For example, ARC has ebbed and flowed and evolved over the years; their current amps with JFETs seem to elicit somewhat different user comments than their earlier all tube models. And of course the speaker load can make a difference.

Having said all that, I'm very interested in what differences Audiogon users have heard in direct A-B comparisons of ARC vs VTL and ARC vs Atmasphere, and if possible, it would be very helpful to know which amp models and which speakers were heard in the direct A-B, or which amps with what speakers were the basis of the comments if the comments weren't the result of a direct A-B.

While it is valuable to hear a reviewer's qualitative descriptions (more air, more low end extension, etc.) it's also helpful to know how much more or less of these things were heard - just a smigdeon, a noticeable amount, a day and night difference, etc. Generally, I think most Agoners would rather save some $ than just a get a barely discernible upgrade; but if something really takes a system to another level, then sometimes it might be worth spending some $; at that point, it becomes a matter of how many more $, but presumably at least there's a notable difference to be had. (I realize everything can be relative from one user's perspective to another's, but the idea would be to describe both the differences in sound quality and the amount or size of the differences.)

If any Agoners have any comments along these lines regarding ARC vs VTL and ARC vs Atmasphere it would really be most appreciated. It is difficult to find local demos so the ability to get a user's first hand experience "here" (on Audiogon) is the next best thing to "hearing" (the real thing). If nothing else, it helps home-in on the finalists and then maybe it would be worth traveling somehwere to check out finalists first hand.

Thanks very much to all the Agoners who make this such a great forum.
- did you really mean to say "it's unlikely you'll be wanting for bass augmentation especially if you go with the M-3s"? or did you intend to say M-2s?
Oops, good catch.

Especially since the ceiling height is 10 ft., M-2s may be the way to go. I think the M-3s might be a bit light-sounding by themselves, although you could augment them with subwoofers. A little more information about your room and listening tastes would be helpful before making a strong recommendation.

The M-3 width fits the room better, but I've seen A-1s in rooms your size, which some would argue are too large. The M-2s might be a good middle ground, but see the above paragraph.

Send me an email with your evening phone number, and I'll be happy to give you a call if you'd like to continue this discussion. I'll do my best to avoid sales pitches.

If you do go with the A-S MA-1's remember their upgrades, spend a little more now to get their very best.
I just recieved a used pair of MA1 Silver editions. They are everything I could have hoped for, including thunderous bass (Coincident Total Victory speakers and Placette Passive linestage).

The person I bought them from (Saddle1) said he will keep his Tenor 150's, only because he has 4 ohm speakers. Otherwise they where very close.

Have you made an amp decision yet?.
Excellent choice of speakers...M2s would be best....I might suggest the best Estat amp I have heard...and I have owned Arc, Jadis, Krell, etc and listned to VTLs extensively...the BEST amp being WOLCOTT.
If not the VTL
would like to respond as well.
Have the Atma-Sphere MA-2 on hand, as well as a nice example of the AR VT-100 mk2.
speakers are Genesis 501's.
to start right off, the MA-2's have a far better transparancy and openness compared to the AR VT-100.
the VT-100 is rolled of, has an bit muffled and 'messy' character compared.
due to the output transformers the combination with my 4 ohm speakers is actually a better one .
the low bass and upper bass is better controlled and the VT-100 has a more robust and liquid midrange.
in absolute terms the VT-100 has better control, better bass, better and fuller midrange.
what the MA-2 lets me hear is not a curtain lifted, not a window cleaned but an open door to the music.
it is like you get another 5 Khz on top of the VT-100 recessed top end.
they are that open. but they sound a bit on the lean side..
tough choices to be made ? i see the VT-100 as a good allround amplifier which can be hooked up to many speakers.
it is a friend you will like, but to me the AR does not excell in any area particularly, it does a good and dependable job. i have had this experience with many other AR gear. preamps same thing.
have never heard the big VTL's though..

I have found the solution to all these amp choices...

BAT VK-75 SE .

the OTL will always have transparancy and openness in abundance, but somehere you have choices to make.
if you own 8 ohm or higher impedance speakers, you have a great combination with the OTL's. ( particularly if you crave for openness and transparancy)
if you want the transparancy and the control and the midrange to go along as well, audience the BAT amps !!
don't get carried away with the topology only, it is the match with the speakers that creates the magic..
the match of the MA-2 OTL with my 501's is not a perfect marriage.. you may find other matches that do work.