"ask dracule1 a question , what's the difference in making a decision to purchase an expensive (new or used) DAC like the Golden Gate when there are presumably good sounding less expensive DACs, and someone making a decision to purchase expensive vs inexpensive cables?"
Glad you asked, but let me rephrase you're question to be consistent with my original post. Why spend tens of thousands of dollar on wire when other components in your system like acoustic room treatment, speakers, DACs, turntables, amps make more of a difference in sound and often cost less than wire? For example, a 10' pair of Nordost Odin 2 speaker wire retails for $46k. That's close to 3x the cost of the Golden Gate DAC. And more than 12x the cost of my acoutic room treatment. Which do you honestly think makes more of an improvement in your system? IME, the audio wire loses embarrassingly. The GG DAC is hand built, contains components that require in-depth knowledge of engineering, is orders of magnitude more complex in parts and construction, etc. Acoustic room treatment makes the biggest improvement IME. OTOH, there's no rocket science in audio wire construction (I know high priced cable manufacturers will argue otw. E.g. electrons in our wire travel at the speed of light. 😒) . Audiophile wire can be made in miles by a machine unless you're boutique one man operation working out of your home. Most of these high prices wire is copper, not gold or palladium or platinum. There's nothing about audiophile wire that justifies some of the stratospheric prices asked by many of these cable manufacturers.