Are CD clubs a good deal?

I have never joined a CD/Record club. Anyone belong to one and is there a catch?
I actually prefer Columbia house. They have a much better selection and after you have met your commitment, you can ask and they will make it so you never have to send in any of the monthly selection cards and they won't send anything automatically.
Another point about Columbia House is that they are owned by Warner and Sony and their CD's are not copies but the same as the ones you buy in a store.
BMG charges so much shipping and handling charges you could just go out and by used CD's.
CD clubs are a good way to build a basic CD collection of popular titles at a pretty reasonable cost IMO. In years past I've belonged to both BMG and Columbia clubs and purchased a lot of CDs from them. As to sound quality, I've not noticed a consistent difference between "club" CDs and those from typical music stores. Cheers. Craig
I even heard the difference in mobile stereo between the club and store versions no $hit!

As to Columbia House they realy cary an original versions compared to BMG.