Are CD clubs a good deal?

I have never joined a CD/Record club. Anyone belong to one and is there a catch?
Another point about Columbia House is that they are owned by Warner and Sony and their CD's are not copies but the same as the ones you buy in a store.
BMG charges so much shipping and handling charges you could just go out and by used CD's.
CD clubs are a good way to build a basic CD collection of popular titles at a pretty reasonable cost IMO. In years past I've belonged to both BMG and Columbia clubs and purchased a lot of CDs from them. As to sound quality, I've not noticed a consistent difference between "club" CDs and those from typical music stores. Cheers. Craig
I even heard the difference in mobile stereo between the club and store versions no $hit!

As to Columbia House they realy cary an original versions compared to BMG.
IF you guys are into classical its a great place to get it from, some(read some not most or all) of the stuff they get is the real deal. All Telarc CD's I have gotten over the years from BMG do NOT have the little Mfg. For BMG... on the UPC code- and every now and again you get a regular type cd that doesn't have it, it seems very label dependent. On my last order(15 cd's) I had 6 that had the Mfg for BMG... marking on it- not bad odds seeing as even with shipping the average price of a cd was 6.87- though even I will admit your NOT going to find XRCD quality cd's at BMG- when you want the really special stuff you gotta pay for it :(