Quicke, then exactly what was the 'consultant' consulting?
I think I understand the point you are trying to relay.
But the sad part is that nobody is ever going to benefit from consultant's knowledge base and experience.
If the 'consultant' is not sharing his expertise, then he is not deserving of a commission.
Unless, of course, he get's you a nice cup of hot coffee and quickly swaps in and out the different products you are demo'ing.
Of course, the other side of this coin is that I'd rather have the consultant who is trying to earn a commission relay his 'expert' opinion such that it was more of a fragrance rather than an odor.
Imagine that our entire country took on the same philosophy as your 'consultant'. Regardless of subject matter.
First thing we'd have to do is disband the National Education Association and shut down the public school system.
Hey, wait a minute. I think your consultant may be on to something here.
I think I understand the point you are trying to relay.
But the sad part is that nobody is ever going to benefit from consultant's knowledge base and experience.
If the 'consultant' is not sharing his expertise, then he is not deserving of a commission.
Unless, of course, he get's you a nice cup of hot coffee and quickly swaps in and out the different products you are demo'ing.
Of course, the other side of this coin is that I'd rather have the consultant who is trying to earn a commission relay his 'expert' opinion such that it was more of a fragrance rather than an odor.
Imagine that our entire country took on the same philosophy as your 'consultant'. Regardless of subject matter.
First thing we'd have to do is disband the National Education Association and shut down the public school system.
Hey, wait a minute. I think your consultant may be on to something here.